Today i just wanna let you know
The love that i always show
Is true & will last forever
You truly mean the world to me
I never thought... i can be so lucky in love
Until the day u walked into my life
Ever since i fell in love with you
My days have never been blue
You turned my darkness into light
Given me a future that's so bright
You have made my life worthwhile
When i thought it was over
Each time you hold me
In your touch the love i feel
Each time you look at me
In your eyes an ocean of love i see
I cant imagine waking up Without u by my side
Or sleeping away from your warm embrace
I cant even think of living a day without u
Or not to hold you through the night
I don't need to ask is this love eternal
You don't need to make any promise
we know it deep in our hearts
We were & we are soul mates
We were & we are soul mates
Till death does us apart
P.S.I can say i totally relate to this & i penned it for the guy i totally love & adore with all my heart.(If your reading this, im sure you will.. i'll make sure u do.. :P i mean it..i really love you )
Because the last few posts were pretty heartbreaking & sad, it forced a few people to think that's the phase im going through :P but actually it's totally opp im very much in love & touch wood happy ..!
I enjoy writing sad heartbreaking poetry's maybe coz im very sensitive & my first ever poem Tanhayi hi apni mehfil was a sad one,when i wrote that i related to it totally.But not anymore :)
Hope a few of you are relieved to see this one...
I loved it :) So cute and truly from the heart...
Sahi mein. Straight from the heart. I was missin him so badly n after readin this aankhon mein aansu aagaye. LOL! I love what you right. Dil ko chu jata hai :D Take care! Love ya! God Bless :D
so sweet...what a way to express...force him to read this...( if required use all means...hehe....lol )
u r soo good at poetry, u can always write anything....as this if "Dil-se"...long live this love :)
@ Satans Darling :Yup it's right from d bottom of my heart :)
@ Ms.R thanks soo much :D & sorry it bought tears to ur eyes,Inshallah u will be together soon :)
@ Neeraj: He's read it :P
& thanks for appreciatin my work :)
lovely poem.. after a very long time i have read something so pleasant.. god bless!
@ Kajal thanks a ton :)
oh-so-beautiful poem...usually dont lyk poems...as in they have...u noe..in depth meanings...but this one has its meaning out CLEAR...that too so beautifully!!
@ True Beleiver Thanks hun,I do like to write things that have there meaning out clear.Dont like confusing the reader's mind :)
ur thxs accepted for now...won't accept in future.....becoz i don't need them ..lolz
don't make me feel outsider by using this word :P
@ Neeraj ok :) wont use it in future
Hmmm nicely pen down...
the rhyming and the meaning really synced well in the poem...
Keep going and keep posting such beautiful poems...:)
my God this is a pretty read :)
a prayer escapes my lips but i wont be loud :)
Nice poem. Feelings give punch to poems.
But one thing I never understand about people in love is-- why they always feel their partners have led them from "darkness to light".
Why it is never like-- okay I had a very happy life and now- we are much more happier together...!
aww...thats so sweet...totally enjoyed it.. ;-)...
I guess love does this to people..sad poems, cute se poems..butmost of em love related poems..;-)
nice work
@ Mahesh...thank you im glad u liked it :)
@ AD hmm..wondering what the prayer was.....?
@ Sam well there are many people who say "Im alot happier now after i fell in love with you" but as far as im concerned then i really have to say the darkness went away :) after he came into my life.
@ Amith thank's keep visiting !
u said it all
he's so lucky.
keep loving each other forever.
hugs and tc
There are such people...?? great!!
And happy for you- for you found your happiness in him!! May God bless you both!
saw u in my followers list..nice poetry here...definitely heart felt one:)
ur blog is pretty n u r only 20 n married :)
all the best in ur writing career..n thank u!
@ 007 we both are lucky to have each other :D
@ Sam thank you....
@ Vinnie yup im following you :) i liked what ever i saw at ur end.Thanks for droppin by & hope to see u around often.
awwwww.. :) .. so sweet... as othrs hv said.. it is a straight frm the heart post..
u r very lucky... don't forget to say.. 'TouchWood' ... :) ...
Hey Karan thanks:D yea im verrrry lucky *Touchwood*:)
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